On December 6 the core team released WordPress 4.7. This is the last major release for 2016 and the last scheduled for the near future. Matt Mullenweg announced in his State Of The Word 2016 that the releases in 2017 will depend on the progress in the three areas REST API, editor, and Customizer.
Continue reading "WordPress weekly recap #49: WordPress 4.7 and more"Blog
PDF preview images in WordPress 4.7 on Uberspace
Since version 4.7 it is possible to let WordPress generate preview images for uploaded PDF documents. Therefore, your server has to meet the following requirements:
- Imagick.
- ImageMagick.
- Ghostscript.
You have to install Imagick — ImageMagick and Ghostscript are installed by default. To retrofit Imagick, you just need to run the following command on the shell and can enjoy PDF preview images for new uploads:
uberspace-install-pecl imagick
WordPress weekly recap #48: Starter content for themes and more
Themes can provide starter content in WordPress 4.7, which is displayed in the customizer of a fresh install.
Continue reading "WordPress weekly recap #48: Starter content for themes and more"WordPress theme for bloggers: »Schlicht«

Today I publish my first paid WordPress theme Schlicht. Bloggers are its target group, and the theme focuses on the content.
The theme is streamlined without dozens of options. It offers:
- Page template without sidebar.
- Automatically and/or manually insertion of drop caps.
- Alternative layout, which displays the title, date and, author name in a column beside the post’s content.
- Menu in header and footer.
- Widget area in sidebar and footer.
To get a better impression, just take a look at the demo site of Schlicht (there is also a demo for the alternative layout).
You can find more information about the theme from the theme page – there you can also buy it.
WordPress weekly recap #47: Video headers in 4.7 and more
WordPress 4.7 will support video headers. Brady Vercher explains in his post how the new feature can be enabled and displayed by themes.
Continue reading "WordPress weekly recap #47: Video headers in 4.7 and more"Position underlining closer to the text [CSS]
Perhaps you use border-bottom
instead of text-decoration: underline
to underline links or other text. But if this underline is too far from the text, you have a problem, because you cannot position a border closer to the text. Here I show you how you can resolve that.
Making a normal PHP page oEmbed ready for WordPress
The Meetups page on de.wordpress.org automatically displays the next six meetups from wpmeetups.de. To implement this, I needed to find a solution for embedding a regular PHP page on a WordPress page. The solution was the oEmbed functionality of WordPress, introduced in 4.4.
Continue reading "Making a normal PHP page oEmbed ready for WordPress"Creating a social icons menu with SVGs in WordPress
For my latest WordPress theme, I modified the output of a standard WordPress menu so that at the frontend URLs to social media channels are displayed as SVG icons. In this post, I show you my solution.
Continue reading "Creating a social icons menu with SVGs in WordPress"Responsive images and lazy loading in WordPress
The technique responsive images prevents users from downloading unnecessary large images. Lazy loading only loads images if they are almost in the visible area, so the user does not download images he does not see. This post shows you how to use lazy loading with responsive images in WordPress.
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