This week the core team released WordPress 4.8.1. The new version contains bug fixes and an HTML widget.
- »This week in WPA11y, July 31, 2017«.
- »WPa11y documentation meeting«. Goal of the meeting is to reorganize and rewrite the docs on regarding accessibility.
Text widget fixes and introduction of HTML widget in 4.8.1
The introduction of the visual mode for text widgets in 4.8 caused issues, for example, when a user used code that is stripped out by TinyMCE (for instance, empty elements and HTML attributes TinyMCE does not know). That happens when a pre-4.8 text widget is updated, so the core team introduced a legacy mode for old text widgets that contain code that would cause problems in 4.8.1.
These legacy mode text widgets behave like old text widgets without the visual mode, and the user gets a note to give the new HTML widget a try. More information about that in the post »Fixes to Text widget and introduction of Custom HTML widget in 4.8.1« by Weston Ruter.
Dev chat from August 2
The team kicked off the 4.9 release, which is planned for November 14 with the »theme of editing code, managing plugins and themes, a user-centric way to customize a site, and polishing some recently added features over this last year«, writes Jeffrey Paul in his post »Dev Chat Summary: August 2nd (4.9 week 1)«. More information about the meeting and the other topics in his post.
New contributors meeting from August 2
The topics from the meeting for new contributors were things to do before creating a ticket, writing a ticket title and description, difference between core and meta trac, reporting security vulnerabilities, what »enough testing« is, and if there is a protocol for old tickets.
Details to each of the items in the post »New Contributors Meeting Recap – August 2nd« by Jonathan Desrosiers.
- »WordPress 4.8.1 Maintenance Release«. The new version contains bug fixes and a new HTML widget.
- »PHP Meeting Recap – July 31st«. Topics were the planned page on to inform users about PHP and problems with outdated versions, and to maybe plan a long-term strategy for PHP updates beyond the 5.2 to 5.3 update.
- »Media meeting recap – Aug 3, 2017«.
- »What’s new in Gutenberg? (4th August)«. Among other things, the team added the post author drop down to the UI and theme support for wide images.
Global WordPress Translation Day #3
On September 30, the third Global WordPress Translation Day will take place – a 24-hour translation sprint around the world. More info about the event and how to get involved can be found in the post »Global WordPress Translation Day #3« by Birgit Olzem.
- »Code of Conduct Reporting Processes«.
- »Regional WordCamps discussion summary and proposal«.
- »Promoting Your Local WordPress Meetup«.