My premium themes are publicly on GitHub now

Since a few days, I have my to-the-date two premium themes on publicly on GitHub – this post is about the backgrounds.

Crucial for that decision was this tweet, which was brought to my timeline through Caspar:

In his article, Rémy Perona writes about publishing the premium plugin WP Rocket on GitHub and why it was a good idea. For that project, positive aspects are developers creating issues and pull requests and customers trying the plugin before buying it. He ends the post with:

»So if you’re a premium plugin or theme developer, I invite you to consider making your code available publicly, even if it seems scary. You’ll probably be positively surprised by the result.«

Sounds good, I thought and pushed the themes to GitHub. After fighting with Travis CI for a longer time to get the deployment of Schlicht working and luckily almost only had to copy that for Photographus, now the CI creates an installable ZIP and attaches it to GitHub releases, so the themes can quickly be tried out.

I am curious how this will evolve 🙂

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