Change block edit wrapper attributes

In Gutenberg, the markup from the edit function is wrapped in a few other elements. The outer wrapper of each block has the wp-block class and a data-block attribute that contains the name of the block with its namespace – core/group for the group block, for example.

We can change the attributes of that wrapper, so we could add class names depending on the selected/changed block options, what could make the styling of blocks in the backend easier.

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Create Gutenberg field like the one for post tags

For a project I needed the feature to link posts of a custom post type with posts of another custom post type. I did not know which Gutenberg component would be the best match for that, but then the tags field for post tags seemed like a good fit: the user types something and gets suggestions which he can add to a selection.

The FormTokenField can be used to create that behavior, all possible options can be found in the linked readme. With that, I had my component of choice, just with custom post type posts instead of tags.

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Block plugin updates and the sometimes delayed effect on the frontend

I am a big fan of Gutenberg. But a few weeks back I had multiple content pages that got destroyed in the frontend after updating, without changing much.

The reason: a block plugin had an update earlier which changes block markup, and with that, a few of my custom CSS rules did not apply any longer. Well, that could also happen with plugins that use shortcodes, but…

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Get correct metadata after post update in block editor

Sometimes it is necessary to do something after a post was saved. When using the old hooks like save_post and post_updated, the result is not as expected with the block editor: the metadata values are the old ones from before saving.

The rest_after_insert_{$this->post_type} action hook comes to the rescue ({$this->post_type} needs to be replaced with the post type, for example, post or page). It gets the post object as the first param and when fetching data via get_post_meta(), we get the correct data.

Get post type in block editor

If you need to distinguish between post types in a block editor script, you can use the following code to get the post type:'core/editor').getCurrentPostType()
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Define block templates for new pages, posts, and custom post types

WordPress’ block editor comes with the feature of block templates. This allows us to defined a set of blocks that will be present in the content of new pages, posts and/or custom post types. This post shows you how to use that functionality and how to use reusable blocks in templates.

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Display specific Gutenberg blocks of a post outside of the post content in the theme

Sometimes it could be useful to display parts of a post or page on another place on the site. For example, a slider above the title of the post/page. Here I show you how to loop through the blocks of a post block per block in a theme to get this done.

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