This week, the WP-CLI team introduced the first working implementation of the plugin checksum verification project, that can test the file checksums of installed plugins against the checksums from to verify their integrity.
Testing the checksum verification feature
The WP-CLI team built a first implementation of the plugin checksum verification project, which needs help in testing it. The site calculates MD5 and SHA-256 checksums for all plugins and makes them publicly accessible.
The checksum verification implementation via the wp checksum plugin
command downloads the checksums for all or specific plugins of the site from and checks them against freshly generated checksums.
Now the team needs help testing the implementation. If you want to help you can find »How To Test« steps in the »Call for action – Help us test Checksum Verification« post by Alain Schlesser. Besides that, there are also more details about the implementation.
- »Good issues for new and existing contributors«.
- »Timing for v1.5.0 and v2.0.0«. WP-CLI 2.0.0 will bump the minimum PHP version to PHP 5.4 if there are no very good reasons against it.