The WP-CLI team wants to get input from the community, regarding questions on new feature development.
- »Multisite Recap for the week of July 3th«.
- »Announcement for weekly PHP meetings«.
- »Dev Chat Summary: July 5th (4.8.1 week 3)«. Among other things, a HTML widget was committed to trunk.
- »What’s new in Gutenberg? (July 8th)«. There is a FAQ page now, and you can navigate between blocks via the arrow keys.
Theme review team
Upcoming directory changes
An upcoming change to the theme directory will enable theme authors to show the readme’s content inside the directory. For that, the readme format has to be the same as the format of plugin readmes. More on that in the post »Upcoming directory changes« by Jose Castaneda.
Questions regarding new feature development
The WP-CLI package index is currently on hold for new submissions. The index has the same problems as the plugin directory, with packages which are no longer maintained after a while, or different implementations of the same feature.
Currently, the team has three different approaches to prevent that:
- »No package index, but community-driven feature development.« Ideas are collected, and the ones with the most votes are included in the roadmap.
- »Submission proposal that is coupled to precise quality and maintenance requirements.«
- »Two-tiered system with both an ›official‹ index and a ›community‹ index.«
More information on the approaches can be found in the post »How should we embark upon new feature development?« by Daniel Bachhuber. If you have input for the team, post it in the comments below his post.