WordPress weekly recap #22: Proposal of the WordPress community conduct project and more

On Make/Updates, there was a proposal this week to create a WordPress Community Code of Conduct (CCoC), which promotes safety and inclusion for all community members in community spaces — like the WordCamp Code of Conduct already does it for WordCamps.

Team Updates

Proposal: WordPress Community Conduct Project

Jenny Wong published the post »Proposal: WordPress Community Conduct Project«, which does exactly that: proposing a community conduct for the whole WordPress community. She writes:

»The Community Conduct Project aims to expand the scope of the [WordCamp] Code of Conduct to promote the same values of safety and inclusion in all official community spaces including WordCamps, WordPress Meetups, official fora and websites including comment sections, and official chat channels (specifically Slack and IRC).«

To reach this goal, there needs to be work done, for example, define who is a »WordPress community member«, where the CCoC should apply, et cetera. If you want to help, check out her post and leave a comment below it!


JavaScript chat summary from May 30

The topic of the JS meeting was the ongoing discussion which framework to choose for the future JavaScript work in WordPress core. Again, most of the conversation was about React and Vue.

A lot of details can be found in the »JavaScript Chat Summary for May 30th« by Andrew Duthie.








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