WordPress weekly recap #7: Polyglots plans for the community summit and more

Before WordCamp Europe, in Paris, there is the community summit on June 13 and 14. The polyglots team already thought about aspects they can work on inside the team and with the other make teams.


Gutenberg editor and accessibility

The content editor is one of the most important parts of WordPress, so of course, it has to be accessible. Like Joe Dolson writes in his post »Revising the WordPress Editor: Gutenberg and Accessibility«, the new editor is going to be a big chance and risk at the same time from an accessibility point of view. A big change to provide a powerful editing experience to all users, and a big risk that this editing experience is not accessible, so there has to be a second-class experience for users with disabilities.

So it is important that accessibility is part of the development. You can find more information about that in Joe’s post.



Core chat from February 15

This weeks core chat was mainly about updates from the customizer and editor teams. In the customizer area, they are thinking about adding a code editor for text view, theme and plugin editor and the custom CSS field in the customizer. Jetpack’s solution has accessibility problems, so the team has to find another solution. The text view is not an HTML view, so switching that would be more complex. Besides that, REST API endpoints for customizer changesets and the customizer areas were discussed.

The editor team works on the prototypes. A point of discussion was browser support because the WordPress admin supports IE8. More info about the meeting can be found in the post »Dev Chat Summary: February 15th (4.7.3 week 3)« by Jeffrey Paul.



Editor meeting from February 15

Among other things, the editor team discussed the five toolbars of the current Gutenberg prototype, and if each paragraph should be one block, or if there should be a text block which can contain more than one paragraph. Another topic was copy-&-paste behavior, displaying the word count and more. All discussed aspects can be found in the post »Core Editor Meeting Notes 2017-02-15« by Ahmad Awais.


Community summit 2017

Before WordCamp Europe, the Community summit will take place in Paris on June 13 and 14, where contributors from all make teams are coworking and discussing. The polyglots team is going to work (among other things) on improving the translation tools with the meta team, organizing local contributor days with the community team, and working on better onboarding for Global Translation Editors and translators.

More information about the summit in the post »WordPress Community summit 2017 – representation and Polyglots topics« by Petya Raykovska.


Theme review team

Theme review meeting from February 14

The first topic at the meeting was an ad for the WordPress Stackoverflow Community Promotion. After that, a short chat about overwriting WordPress globals and a long discussion about allowing or banning of iFrames in Themes. The result was to ban them.


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