
here is an example (the markup of your comment avatar):

	<img alt="" src="https://florianbrinkmann.com/en/wp-content/plugins/avatar-privacy/public/images/mystery.svg" srcset="https://florianbrinkmann.com/en/wp-content/plugins/avatar-privacy/public/images/mystery.svg 2x" class="avatar avatar-60 photo avatar-default" width="60" height="60">
<img alt="" src="" class="avatar avatar-60 photo avatar-default lazyload" data-srcset="https://florianbrinkmann.com/en/wp-content/plugins/avatar-privacy/public/images/mystery.svg 2x" data-src="https://florianbrinkmann.com/en/wp-content/plugins/avatar-privacy/public/images/mystery.svg" width="60" height="60">
  1. You insert the normal image markup into a noscript
  2. Then create a img element with an empty (or the data image like in the above code) src attribute.
  3. Create a data-src attribute with the image URL.
  4. Add the lazyload class.
  5. Optional: Add data-sizes and data-srcset attributes.

More info on the markup and options can be found in the docs of the lazy loading script.

Hope that helps!